
  1. Liran, P., P. N. Blossey, W. M. Hannah, C. S. Bretherton, C. R. Terai, A. M. Jenney, S. L. Ferretti, M. S. Pritchard, 2025: Resolving Low Cloud Feedbacks Globally with HR-MMF: Agreement with LES but Stronger Shortwave Effects. J. Adv. Model. Earth Sys, in review.
  2. Hu, Z., A. Subramaniam, Z. Kuang, J. Lin, S. Yu, W. Hannah, N. Brenowitz, J. Romero, M. Pritchard, 2024: Stable Machine-Learning Parameterization of Subgrid Processes with Real Geography and Full-physics Emulation. J. Adv. Model. Earth Sys, in review.
  3. Hsu, W.-C., G. Kooperman, and W. M.  Hannah, 2024: Investigating mechanisms driving differences in the characteristics of precipitation in the E3SM multiscale modeling framework with 2D vs 3D cloud resolving model configurations. J. Adv. Model. Earth Sys, in review.
  4. Mahajan, S. and W. M. Hannah, 2024: ENSO teleconnections to US winter precipitation extremes in an earth system model with an embedded cloud resolving model (E3SM-MMF),  Geophysical Research Letters, In review.
  5. Smith, K., and Coauthors, 2024: The DOE E3SM Version 2.1: Overview and Assessment of the Impacts of Parameterized Ocean Submesoscales. Geosci. Model Dev., in review.
  6. Yang, D., Yao, L., & Hannah, W., 2024: Vertically resolved analysis of the Madden-Julian Oscillation highlights the role of convective transport of moist static energy. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL109910.
  7. Donahue, A. S., Caldwell, P. M., Bertagna, L., Beydoun, H., Bogenschutz, P. A., Bradley, A. M., et al. (2024). To exascale and beyond—The Simple Cloud-Resolving E3SM Atmosphere Model (SCREAM), a performance portable global atmosphere model for cloud-resolving scales. J. Adv. Model. Earth Sys, 16.
  8. Peng, L., Blossey, P. N., Hannah, W. M., Bretherton, C. S., Terai, C. R., Jenney, A. M., & Pritchard, M. 2024: Improving stratocumulus cloud amounts in a 200-m resolution multi-scale modeling framework through tuning of its interior physics. J. Adv. Model. Earth Sys, 16, e2023MS003632.
  9. Lee, J., Hannah, W. M., and Bader, D. C., 2023: Representation of atmosphere-induced heterogeneity in land–atmosphere interactions in E3SM–MMFv2, Geosci. Model Dev., 16, 7275–7287,
  10. Akinsola, A. A., G. J. Kooperman, W. M. Hannah, K. A. Reed, A. G. Pendergrass, and W.-C. Hsu, 2023: Evaluation of present-day extreme precipitation over the United States: an inter-comparison of convection and dynamic permitting configurations of E3SMv1, Env. Res. Lett.: Climate 3 011002.
  11. Hsu, W.-C., G. J. Kooperman, W. M. Hannah, K. A. Reed, A. A. Akinsanola, A. Pendergrass, 2023: Evaluating Mesoscale Convection Systems Over the US in Conventional and Multiscale Modeling Framework Configurations of E3SMv1. J. Geo. Res., 128, e2023JD038740.
  12. Lee, J. M., C. Tao, W. M. Hannah, S. Xie, and D. C. Bader, 2023: Assessment of warm and dry bias over ARM SGP site in E3SMv2 and E3SM-MMF,. J. Atmos. Sci., 80, 2545–2556.
  13. Yu, S., Hannah, W. M., Peng, L., Bhouri, M. A., Gupta, R., Lin, J., … Khairoutdinov, M. … & Pritchard, M. S. (2023). ClimSim: An open large-scale dataset for training high-resolution physics emulators in hybrid multi-scale climate simulators. arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.08754.
  14. Liu, N., Pritchard, M. S., Jenney, A. M., & Hannah, W. M. (2023). Understanding precipitation bias sensitivities in E3SM-multi-scale modeling framework from a dilution framework, J. Adv. Model. Earth Sys., 15, e2022MS003460.
  15. Reed, K. A., Stansfield, A. M., Hsu, W.-C., Kooperman, G. J., Akinsanola, A. A., Hannah, W. M., et al. (2023). Evaluating the simulation of CONUS precipitation by storm type in E3SM. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2022GL102409.
  16. Golaz, J.-C., Van Roekel, L. P., Zheng, X., Roberts, A. F., Wolfe, J. D., Lin, W., et al. (2022). The DOE E3SM Model version 2: Overview of the physical model and initial model evaluation, J. Adv. Model. Earth Sys., 14, e2022MS003156,
  17. Yang, Q., W. M. Hannah, & L. R. Leung, 2022: Convective momentum transport and its impact on the Madden-Julian Oscillation in E3SM-MMF, J. Adv. Model. Earth Sys., 14, e2022MS003206.
  18. Giorgetta, M. A., Sawyer, W., Lapillonne, X., Adamidis, P., Alexeev, D., Clément, V., Dietlicher, R., Engels, J. F., Esch, M., Franke, H., Frauen, C., Hannah, W. M., Hillman, B. R., Kornblueh, L., Marti, P., Norman, M. R., Pincus, R., Rast, S., Reinert, D., Schnur, R., Schulzweida, U., and Stevens, B., 2022: The ICON-A model for direct QBO simulations on GPUs, Geosci. Model Dev., 15, 6985–7016.
  19. Hannah, W. M., K. G. Pressel, 2022: Transporting CRM Variance in a Multiscale Modelling Framework, Geosci. Model Dev., 15, 8999–9013.
  20. Hannah, W. M., K. G. Pressel, M. Ovchinnikov, G. S. Elsaesser, 2022: Checkerboard Patterns in E3SMv2 and E3SM-MMFv2, Geosci. Model Dev., 15, 6243–6257.
  21. Peng, L., M. S. Pritchard, W. M. Hannah, P. N. Blossey, C. S. Bretherton, 2022: Load-balancing intense physics calculations to embed regionalized high-resolution cloud resolving models in the E3SM and CESM climate models, J. Adv. Model. Earth Sys., 14, e2021MS002841.
  22. Kooperman, G. J., A. A. Akinsanola, W. M. Hannah, A. G. Pendergrass, & K. A. Reed, 2022: Assessing two approaches for enhancing the range of simulated scales in the E3SMv1 and the impact on the character of hourly US precipitation. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2021GL096717.
  23. Hannah, W. M., A. M. Bradley, O. Guba, Q. Tang, J.-C. Golaz, and J. Wolfe, 2021: Separating Physics and Dynamics grids for Improved Computational Efficiency in Spectral Element Earth System Models. J. Adv. Model. Earth Sys., 13, e2020MS002419.
  24. Norman. M. R., D. Bader, C. Eldred, W. M. Hannah, B. Hillman, C. R. Jones, J. M. Lee, L. R. Leung, I. Lyngaas, K. G. Pressel, S. Sreepathi, M. A. Taylor, and X. Yuan, 2020: Unprecedented Cloud Resolution in a GPU-Enabled Full-Physics Atmospheric Climate Simulation on OLCF’s Summit Supercomputer, Int. J. of High Perf. Comp. App., doi:10.1177/10943420211027539.
  25. Akintomide, A., G. Kooperman, K. Reed, A. Pendergrass, W. M. Hannah, 2020: Projected changes in seasonal precipitation extremes over the United States in CMIP6 simulations, Env. Res. Lett., 15, 104078.
  26. Akintomide, A., G. Kooperman, A. Pendergrass, W. M. Hannah, K. Reed, 2020: Seasonal representation of extreme precipitation indices over the United States in CMIP6 present-day simulations, Env. Res. Lett., 15, 094003.
  27. Morrison, H., J. M. Peters, A. C. Varble, S. Giangrande, W. M. Hannah, 2020: Thermal chains and entrainment in cumulus updrafts, Part 2: Analysis of idealized simulations. J. Atmos. Sci., 77, 3661-3681.
  28. Morrison, H., J. M. Peters, A. C. Varble, S. Giangrande, W. M. Hannah, 2020: Thermal chains and entrainment in cumulus updrafts, Part 1: Theoretical description. J. Atmos. Sci., 77, 3637-3660.
  29. Hannah, W. M., C. R. Jones, B. R. Hillman, M. R. Norman, M. A. Taylor, D. A. Bader, L. R. Leung, M. S. Pritchard, M. D. Branson, G. Lin, K. G. Pressel, and J. M. Lee, 2020: Initial Results from the Super-Parameterized E3SM. J. Adv. Model. Earth Sys., 12, e2019MS001863.
  30. Peters, J. M., W. M. Hannah, H. Morrison, 2019: The influence of vertical shear on moist thermals. J. Atmos. Sci., 76, 1645–1659.
  31. Zeng, X., D. Klocke, B.J. Shipway, M.S. Singh, I. Sandu, W. M. Hannah, P. Bogenschutz, Y. Zhang, H. Morrison, M. Pritchard, and C. Rio, 2018: Future Community Efforts in Understanding and Modeling Atmospheric Processes. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99, ES159–ES162.
  32. Mapes,B. E., E. S. Chung, W. M. Hannah, H. Masunaga, A. J. Wimmers, C. S. Velden, 2018: The Meandering Margin of the Meteorological Moist Tropics. Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 1177– 1184.
  33. Singh, M. S., Z. Kuang, E. D. Maloney, W. M. Hannah, B. O. Wolding, 2017: Increasing potential for intense tropical and subtropical thunderstorms under global warming. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 114, 11657–11662.
  34. Hannah, W. M., 2017: Entrainment vs. Dilution in Tropical Deep Convection. J. Atmos. Sci., 74, 3725–3747.
  35. Hannah, W. M., and A. Aiyyer, 2017: Reduced African Easterly Wave Activity with Quadrupled CO2 in the Super-Parameterized CESM. J. Climate, 30, 8253–8274.
  36. Russell, J. O., A. Aiyyer, J. D. White, and W. M. Hannah, 2017: Revisiting the Connection Between African Easterly Waves and Atlantic Tropical Cyclogenesis. Geophys. Res. Lett., 43.
  37. Hannah, W. M., B. E. Mapes, and G. S. Elsaesser, 2016: A Lagrangian View of Moisture Dynamics During DYNAMO. J. Atmos. Sci., 73, 1967-1985.
  38. Hannah, W. M., E. D. Maloney, and M. S. Pritchard, 2015: Consequences of Systematic Model Drift in DYNAMO Hindcasts with SP-CAM and CAM5, J. Adv. Model. Earth Sys., 7, 1051–1074.
  39. Hannah, W. M., and E. D. Maloney, 2014: The moist static energy budget in NCAR CAM5 Hindcasts during DYNAMO, J. Adv. Model. Earth Sys., 6, 420-440.
  40. Hannah, W. M., and E. D. Maloney, 2011: The Role of Moisture-Convection Feedbacks in Simulating the Madden-Julian Oscillation, J. Climate, 24, 2754-2770.
  41. Maloney, E. D., A. H. Sobel, and W. M. Hannah, 2010: Intraseasonal Variability in an Aquaplanet General Circulation Model, J. Adv. Modeling.Earth. Sys, 2, 24 pp.
  42. Matsumoto, H., R. P. Dziak, D. K. Mellinger,M. Fowler, J. Haxel, A. Lau, C. Meinig, J Bumgardner, and W. M. Hannah, 2006: Autonomous Hydrophones at NOAA/OSU and a New Seafloor Sentry System for Real-time Detection of Acoustic Events,
    Oceans’06 MTS/IEEE-Boston, Boston, MA, 18–21 September 2006, 4 pp.