About Me
I’m an atmospheric scientist working at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. I primarily work with atmospheric models and my research often focuses on various aspects of Tropical meteorology and cloud dynamics. I am also often working in a developer capacity to update or add capabilities in the Department of Energy Earth system model (E3SM), usually related to the representation of clouds. This includes the traditionally parameterized version used for climate projections, the multi-scale modeling framework (MMF) configuration, and the “simple” global cloud resolving version known as SCREAM.

Research Interests
Tropical Meteorology
- The Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO)
- The quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO)
- Convectively coupled equatorial waves
- Tropical cyclones
Atmospheric Modeling
- Multi-scale modeling framework
- Convective parameterization
- Global cloud resolving models
- Climate projections